Memberships, Tuition, Customizations, & Add-on Packages

Music lesson memberships and packages crafted for your needs, interests, desires, circumstances, abilities, preferences, style, and schedule.

Memberships, Tuition, Customizations, & Add-on Packages

Small group piano lessons

“Kitten on the Keys” (Black & White)

Membership Level Features

Weekly small group lessons, 60 minutes, in-studio (groups are 2-4 students)

Local in-person recitals (Southern California), 1 per quarter

Special forums, masterclasses, and recitals (various, as offered)

Small group lessons are available for all ages for piano, pre-piano, voice & singing, guitar, and violin, and for ages 5-8 only for drums

$199 per month

“Dizzy Fingers” (Bronze)

Membership Level Features

Weekly individual private lessons, 60 minutes, in-studio

Local in-person recitals (Southern California), 1 per quarter, and destination or invitational recitals, 1-2 per year

Special forums, masterclasses, and recitals (various, as offered)

(Students interested in Certificate of Merit (MTAC CM), RCM, AP music theory and other exams and honors programs, see add-on package below)

$368 per month

Master Musician Individual and Small Group Music Lessons

“Master Musician” (Silver)

Membership Level Features

Weekly individual private lessons, 60 minutes, plus weekly small group lessons, 60 minutes, in-studio

Local in-person recitals (Southern California), 1 per quarter, and destination or invitational recitals, 1-2 per year

Special forums, masterclasses, and recitals (various, as offered)

Studio Concert Performance Team eligibility (12 touring concerts per year)

(Students interested in Certificate of Merit (MTAC CM), RCM, AP music theory and other exams and honors programs, see add-on package below)

Small group lessons are available for all ages for piano, pre-piano, voice & singing, guitar, and violin, and for ages 5-8 only for drums

$538 per month

“Virtuoso” (Gold)

Membership Level Features

Individual private lessons, bi-weekly (twice per week) in-studio, 60 minutes each lesson, or double-hour in-home (within 15 minutes of music school location), 120 minutes each lesson

Local in-person recitals (Southern California), 1 per quarter, and destination or invitational recitals, 1-2 per year

Special forums, masterclasses, and recitals (various, as offered), and students are eligible to participate in MTAC community recitals and festivals

Studio Concert Performance Team eligibility (12 touring concerts per year)

Includes CM, RCM, and/or AP Music Theory exams and honors prep, including individual exam prep, personalized tutoring, and optional online group prep classes and study materials, plus audition, competition, and solo performance prep

Optional second instrument and/or area of focus, including music composition, songwriting, conducting / directing, vocal performance, and/or music technology

Includes additional teaching aids for home use

$678 per month

Derrick Piano Student of the Month in Music Lessons

Prodigy (Platinum)

Membership Level Features

Individual private lessons, tri-weekly (three times per week) in-studio, 60 minutes each lesson, or bi-weekly in-home (within 15 minutes of music school location), 90 minutes each lesson

Concierge and personal transportation service to/from music school and home (within 15 minutes of music school location) provided (optional)

Local in-person recitals (Southern California), 1 per quarter, destination or invitational recitals, 1-2 per year, plus custom destination solo performances and special invitationals

Special forums, masterclasses, and recitals (various as offered), and students are eligible to participate in MTAC community recitals and festivals

Studio Concert Performance Team eligibility (12 touring concerts per year)

Includes CM, RCM, and/or AP Music Theory exams and honors prep, including individual exam prep, personalized tutoring, and optional online group prep classes and study materials, plus audition, competition, and solo performance prep

Optional second and third instrument and/or area of focus, including music composition, songwriting, conducting / directing, vocal performance, and/or music technology

Includes additional teaching aids for home use

Personal coaching, college and career coaching, competitions and audition prep

Instrument cleaning, maintenance, and annual home piano cleaning and tuning

$994 per month

Piano Music Lessons Exams and Honors

Exams & Honors Add-on Package

Exams & Honors Add-on Package Features

“Dizzy Fingers” and “Master Musician” students receiving individual private lessons at the Bronze or Silver membership levels who wish to participate in the Music Teacher Association of California’s (MTAC) Certificate of Merit (CM), Royal Conservatory of Music (RCM), and/or Advance Placement (AP) Music Theory exams and honors programs can purchase this additional add-on package. This add-on program provides weekly supplemental group lessons for theory, musicianship, technique and technical exercises, ear training, sight reading, practice tests and review, performance preparation, adjudication music preparation and uploading, and video recording preparation and uploading, from the Fall through the Winter/Spring (6 months or 22 weekly sessions, 60 minutes), to prepare for the exams.

This package can be used for RCM, AP Music Theory, and other exams and honors prep, purchased in six-month blocks.

Students who participate in the exams & honors programs also become eligible to participate in the MTAC convention, local and state community recitals and festivals, and the studio Concert Performance Team (up to 12 touring concerts per year). 

$599 flat fee for the entire program period, payable at the start of the program period, which is 6 months, 22 sessions, 60 minutes each session. The two program periods are September through February, and March through August.

Charlie In-home Piano Lessons Student of the Month

In-home Lessons Add-on Package

In-home Lessons Add-on Package Features

“Dizzy Fingers” and “Master Musician” students receiving individual private lessons at the Bronze or Silver membership levels who wish to receive in-home lessons (rather than in-studio lessons) can purchase this additional add-on package. This add-on feature provides teacher travel to the family’s home for individual private lessons (only one package is necessary per family). Home location must be within 15 minutes from the studio location. Small group lessons and any student-requested make-up lessons are held at the studio location (not in-home).

Includes additional teaching aids for home use

$129 fee per month

In-home Piano Lessons option